Research background:
I have a very basic background in the field of Spintronics. During my Master of Science in Physics, I had two courses on Advanced functional materials and Spintronics. I developed a particular interest in the field of spintronic devices due to its emerging possibilities. As part of my Master’s project, I worked on the domain wall dynamics in continuous and discontinuous permalloy nanowires using OOMMF simulations. My current project in the MagnEFi network is ‘Ferroelectric strain coupling and gating integration devices for magnetic domain wall motion control’ and my project supervisor will be Prof. Sebaastian van Dijken.
Country of origin: India
Host institution:
Department of Applied Physics
Aalto University
School of Science
PO BOX 15100 (Puumiehenkuja 2)
FI 02150, Espoo, Finland