In all, MagnEFi will train 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) at 11 institutions around Europe. Information about each of the ESRs is presented here below.
Subhajit Roy (ESR1)
Host Institute: Université Paris Saclay, France (UPSaclay)
Project title: Photo-induced strain control of magnetic domain wall motion in nanostructures
Rohit Pachat (ESR2)
Host Institute: Université Paris Saclay, France (UPSaclay)
Project title: Photo-active ionic gating
Adriano di Pietro (ESR3)
Host Institute: Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy (INRIM)
Project title: Photo-active ionic gating
Jintao Shuai (ESR4)
Host Institute: University of Leeds, U.K. (LEEDS)
Project title: Interaction of surface acoustic waves and magnetic thin films
Md Golam Hafiz (ESR5)
Host Institute: University of Leeds, U.K. (LEEDS)
Project title: E-field gating of magnetic multilayers with structural inversion asymmetry
Adithya Rajan (ESR6)
Host Institute: Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz , Germany (JGU)
Project title: Influence of dynamic strain on antiferromagnetic ordering and switching
Beatrice Bednarz (ESR7)
Host Institute: Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz , Germany (JGU)
Project title: Ferroelectric gating of the antiferromagnet / ferromagnet coupling
Adrien Petrillo (ESR8)
Host Institute: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands (TU/e)
Project title: E-field gating of interlayer exchange coupling
Pingzhi Li (ESR9)
Host Institute: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands (TU/e)
Project title: All-optical magnetic switching and photonic circuit integration
Mouad Fattouhi (ESR10)
Host Institute: Universidad de Salamanca, Spain (USAL)
Project title: Modelling magnetization dynamics in piezoelectric/magneticdevices
Sreeveni Mozhikunnath Das (ESR11)
Host Institute: Aalto Korkeakoulusaatio SR, Finland (AALTO)
Project title: Ferroelectric strain coupling and gating integration devices for magnetic domain wall motion control
Cristina Balan (ESR12)
Host Institute: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France (CNRS)
Project title: Combined gating and optical control of skyrmion-bubbles
Gyan van der Jagt (ESR13)
Host Institute: Spin-Ion Technologies, France (SPINION)
Project title: Interface engineering by He+ ion irradiation
Mandy Syskaki (ESR14)
Host Institute: Singulus Technologies AG, Germany (SINGULUS)
Project title: Advanced Materials Deposition
Giovanni Masciocchi (ESR15)
Host Institute: Sensitec GMBH, Germany (SENSITEC)
Project title: Control of strain in magnetoresistive elements and its utilization