JGU I: Influence of dynamic strain on antiferromagnetic ordering

Host: Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz

Location: Mainz, Germany

Supervisor: Mathias Kläui

Scientific project:

Recently the previous paradigm of using ferromagnets for spintronics has been challenged by novel antiferromagnetic systems. These offer faster operation, enhanced stability with respect to interfering magnetic fields and higher integration due to the absence of dipolar coupling thus potentially being a game changer for new spintronic devices.

At the same time, lower power operation is enabled by electric fields that can manipulate antiferromagnets by strain and charge doping, which is particularly apt for antiferromagnets that intrinsically cannot be manipulated by conventional magnetic fields. Based on our experience with both antiferromagnetic insulators (Nature 561, 222 (2018)) and antiferromagnetic metals (Nature Communications 9, 348 (2018)), we will study the effects of electric fields on the antiferromagnetic order parameter (Néel vector) and explore the ultra-fast dynamics resulting from the antiferromagnetic order. Ultimately, we will gauge if coherent spin dynamics can be used for novel wave-based logic device concepts.

We will employ a range of measurement tools from lab-based transport to large scale facility based dynamic imaging and additionally nanofabrication and structural characterization will be carried out thus leading to a broad scientific and technological training.