Host: Aalto University
Location: Espoo, Finland
Supervisor: Sebastiaan van Dijken
Scientific project:
Control of magnetic domain wall motion by electric fields has recently attracted scientific attention because of its potential for energy-efficient magnetic logic and memory devices. This project explores electric-field-driven magnetic domain wall motion in thin magnetic films and patterned nanowires. The driving mechanism is either based on strain transfer from a ferroelectric layer or gating of a dielectric or solid-state ionic conductor. Combinations of these effects will also be explored to deliver new functionalities. The most successful structures will be exploited to actively tailor the transmission of magnetic spin waves.
The project is mostly experimental, but also involves micromagnetic simulations to interpret and verify measurement data. As a PhD student you will grow your own samples using magnetron sputtering and pulsed laser deposition and you will pattern the films into prototype devices using advanced photo and electron beam lithography. Sample characterization focuses on the variation of structural and magnetic properties under changing bias conditions.
As a PhD student, you will join the NanoSpin research group at Aalto University. The group focuses on cutting-edge research on electric-field controlled magnetism, magnonics, and magnetoplasmonics. The NanoSpin laboratory is equipped with instruments for advanced electronic, magnetic and magneto-optical measurements. Besides, you will have full access to the OtaNano research infrastructure for nano- and microtechnologies, comprising advanced equipment for nanofabrication and microscopy (https://www.aalto.fi/otanano). Aalto University is the largest university in Finland focusing on education, research and technology, science, business, and arts. Aalto University is located on the Otaniemi campus in Espoo (10 km from the city center of Helsinki), one of the largest high-tech hubs in Northern Europe.
Research at Aalto University is complemented by secondments focussing on modelling of electric-field-driven magnetic domain wall motion, multilayer growth, and device integration.