Research background and current MagnEFi project:
I have completed my master thesis on ‘optical bandgap of TiO2 PEALD (Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition) coatings and quantizing structures’. Atomic layer deposition is a chemical vapor deposition-based deposition technique. The sequential self-limiting surface reactions of ALD is able to control conformal deposition and atomic layers at the angstrom or monolayer level. In this technique, precursors are pulsed into the reaction chamber or on the substrate by preference, where precursor pulse steps are separated by a period of purge or evacuation. The purpose of my research was to design and fabricate a new material system (TiO2, Al2O3 composition). Single layer TiO2 thin films with the thicknesses at the range of 30 nm to 5 nm had been deposited under different conditions as to investigate the influence of the film thickness on their optical properties. The work had been followed by reducing the physical thickness of TiO2 to a few nanometers. The electron confinement could be changed due to a classical high index (TiO2) and low index (Al2O3) stack. Different characterization techniques were applied to characterized optical, mechanical, and structural properties of thin films.
Currently, I am working on ‘e-field gating of magnetic multilayers with structural inversion asymmetry’. Magnetic multilayer films in which a ferromagnet such as Co is bounded by two different metals, producing a Pt/Co/Ir trilayer, for example, are known as inversion asymmetric and support chiral spin textures called skyrmions. The primary goal of this project is to develop and characterize skyrmions confined to micro and nanoscale devices for magnetic hard disk drive applications. The magnetic multilayer films, for example, Pt/Co/Ir, will be prepared by magnetron sputtering. Then Micro and nanoscale devices will be defined by optical lithography techniques. Finally, magneto-optical characterization techniques will be applied to characterize them.
Country of origin: Bangladesh
Host institute:
University of Leeds,
Leeds LS2 9JT,
United Kingdom